Friday, May 13, 2011

My chub a gub is now a big boy

My baby is 2 months today! I still can't believe it has already been two months. Two months of this new, fresh life. I've realized more in these two months than I have in my whole life. I've come to terms with my grandpa's death. Having Braeden three days after he passed away, took my mind off of it. Only thing is, when I finally realize that he is gone, I break down. Times I never realized I would even miss, until I'm in that exact moment. Having Braeden landed me a front row seat in the circle of life, in amazement at how beautiful life really is. It sounds corny, but it's opened my eyes to enjoying every single moment. Taking photographic pictures in my memory, whipping out my camera for the littlest things. I want to be able to cherish what I have NOW, 70 years later. I want to be able to look back & smile at the things I have captured, reliving it with my children when they're older, & I'm just an old fart.

 So pretty much, I love everything there is about being a mother. I even loved waking up at 4 A.M. Sure, initially it was hard to get myself to wake up, but seeing his chunky little cheeks, & his curled little toes made everything worth it. Now he sleeps through the night, on most nights- & I find myself calling him a "Big boy," just because he's passed that milestone. He has grown into his features, & I can finally see myself in him instead of him being all Matt. Every stage of his life is exciting. From the moment I found out I was pregnant, to every ultrasound, to every trimester, to his birth, his first poop, his first bath, his first smile.

(Not his first smile. It's actually pretty hard to take a picture of a baby smiling!)

He smiles A LOT now, & it's the best feeling waking up to him smiling. There's no bigger accomplishment than knowing that you have a happy baby. Especially when he smiles so big, he doesn't know what to do with himself so he kinda just screams. But it's JUST as adorable, if not more adorable than a little giggle.

I'm gonna miss that face when I go back to work next week. :( It's bitter sweet, because it will be the first time being apart from him for more than 3 hours, but it comforts me to know that I'm going back to work to get those big paychecks & start saving up for our condo. Oh yeah, condo searching is SO overwhelming. Especially since we will most likely be remodeling the place. Little by little everything will get done... it just seems like it will take forever. I'm just glad it's still close to my parents, as well as matts parents, work, & school.

Who doesn't love baby feet? He even has Matts FEET!
I love the fact that Braeden is a miniature version of my family, & Matt's. Correction: A mini version of Matthew. From his character, to his hands, his long arms, right down to the eency weency toes on his feet! & I already know he's going to be stubborn as hell. Ever since he was in my belly I knew.. I guess he gets that part from me. -_-

Matt loves to do the "airplane" thing dads always do to babies. Except for I don't think he's realized that one day, Braeden will puke all over him & I will be laughing when that does happen. (:

Him & that binky... This baby was born sucking. no, literally. as soon as they placed him on my chest, he latched on. I know it's going to be hard weening him off of it, but he just loves that thing.. I'm torn between letting him sooth himself to sleep with it, or taking it away from him when he hits three months... decisions decisions!
My sleepy baby awaits me, he's not content in his bassinet.. oh wait just kidding.. he must be, because he just pooped. Now a poopy diaper awaits me as well!

'Till next time dolls!

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