Cheating today, & combining days 2 & three together.
Day 2:
A picture of you & your little one:
This is us on a regular ole day. I kept him in his jammies, I wore sweats & a baggy shirt, no make up-- just hangin out. |
Day 3:
How old is your little one?
As of Today, is he two months & one week old! & he's getting bigger by the day.
Him & that binky... it's a love hate relationship.
The crazy thing about having a baby that is diverse cultures is that he can look JUST like Daddy & his family some days, & look JUST like Mommy & her family on other days... On the right is me when I was probably about 5 months old, & on the left is Braeden. He looks just like his Momma on some days & I love it. |
Braeden is 2 months & a week old already, & he changes day by day. He is no typical two month older either.. while other newborns spend their days asleep, it's hard to get him TO sleep. My little man fights his sleep like no other, he likes to be part of what's going on.. & he won't fall asleep alone either. He NEEDS to see someone either in front of him, or near him in order to fall asleep. It's amazing to see my traits followed onto him at such a young age. This whole parenthood thing is kinda cool. ;)
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