The other night Matt & I were looking at pictures of Braeden as a newborn, all the way back to when I was pregnant. It made me just a tad bit nostalgic, because the feeling was so... magical (yes, CHEESY), but the excitement was way more than a little kid on Christmas. I had an amazing pregnancy, & such a great experience.
Pregnant in Vegas, & I didn't even know it! |
3 months pregnant. |
We got to dress up for work... so I dressed up as a knocked up Minnie Mouse. lol. |
I look a lot bigger in this picture than I was at the time. |
That was my favorite pregnancy shirt.. |
We went to the park and had a little photo sesh. 4 months! |
Matt's Birthday/ Thanksgiving. |
It's crazy seeing pictures of my Grandpa & I when I was pregnant... he passed away 3 days before Braeden was born. Which I think is what caused my water breaking. It's just so crazy to think that he had some sort of connection with Braeden every time he's rub my belly, but he couldn't once Braeden was here. :( |
Celebrating Matthew's birthday. |
5 months, and a bare belly. |
I was huge for being only 5 months. A lot of people thought I was having twins... |
Matt & I were making a gingerbread house, that didn't even taste good. |
The finished product. |
Last Christmas with my Gramps. |
6 months, & I was HUGE.
Our Christmas card. |
Moments before my nephew was born. |
Holding my nephew while having Braeden in my tummy was a trip. |
Baby Ryan is already 5 months... time goes by so quick! |
A couple of months before I had my lil nugget. |
Auntie Jeanette. |
Love my co-workers. |
Yes, I have AMAZING co-workers, who I wouldn't trade for the world. |
Baby Shower number 2, thrown by Auntie Nicole. |
I grew up with most of these people. They mean the world to me. When I got pregnant, I distanced myself from a lot of people. I don't know why.. & I didn't see most of these people since the beginning of my pregnancy. When they came to my baby shower, it was like NO time went by. We picked up from where we left off. I love each & every single one of them. |
This picture is more us... |
Raldy! He helped me get through a lot of rough times (before pregnancy, before I was even with Matt), I remember we would have conversations from 1 in the morning lasting up until 4 in the morning, talking about our problems, helping each other out. Looking back, we lived through our tough times & are happier than ever now, but I won't ever forget, calling him at 2 in the morning after finding out some bad news, & him being there for me. |
K-sue. My fellow neighbor. I've known her since second grade. How crazy is that?! A lot of my friends are from elementary & middle school. & I love how crazy it's been seeing where we are now, compared to where we used to be. |
The boys picked this outfit out. They knew that with a momma like me, my son had to be stylin. (: |
The boys pt 1. I remember Dane used to get ON MY NERVES when we were in 6th grade, but it was that kinda love/hate relationship. When we realized we had the same taste in shoes & music, we really bonded. Jeremy & I had a lot of history together, as funny as it is, we've always gotten along I think it's mainly because we always used to bag on each other, & Marc, I met because of Jeremy & when hanging out with Marc, you're pretty much guaranteed a good time. |
Tiff got this shirt for Braeden. Matt & I decided that's the shirt he will be wearing the first time he goes to Disneyland. |

This is my best friend. Known her since second grade. We met through a mutual friend, & have gone through A LOT together. We didn't talk for a couple of months, because I'm too stubborn for my own good. & if there's one thing I regret in life, it's going months without talking to my best friend. Once she found out I was pregnant, she reached out to me & has been there for me ever since. She's seen my at my lowest, my worse, & also at my highest. She knows me better than I know myself sometimes. She knows who I really am- flake and all, and is still there for me. There is nothing I can ever say or do, to explain who good she's been to me & my son. & when you're that good to my son, I will forever be grateful for having you in my life. I've become somewhat of a sap now that I have a baby, when I used to NEVER be emotional, but I can't wait until she has a little one, so I can shower them with as much love as she has given to Braeden.
I actually just met Tiff at the beginning of my pregnancy, but she is the sweetest girl. & Amanda, I've known since high school. Amanda, Nicole, & I used to be known as the trEo. We had some good times, too many to name, we'd go on drives singing at the top of our lungs, windows down. They were my ride or die bitches.
They're my favorite couple. My best friend ended up going out with my best guy friend! |
Just cause you're pregnant doesn't mean you can't have a little fun! |
No but honestly.. I was HUGE. & still working.. & I still had a month to go.. I don't know how I did it. |
Another one of my good friends from middle school. (: |
The stroll down memory lane has been nice. Makes me realize how lucky I am to have these kind of people in my life.