I rarely get sick, so when I do happen to get sick it hits me hard. I have the worse cold I have had in a while, normally I wouldn't mind because all I had to worry about was myself. But this is my first time being sick as a mom. Right when I think I've gotten into the groove of things, parenthood always seems to throw one at me that I would have never seen coming. I started getting sick yesterday, but we had already made plans to go to my brothers house an hour away to see him and my nephew. Looking back I shoulda just stayed home. I just kept on getting sicker throughout the day, and now I have a really bad cold. I'm just glad that I had the opportunity to rest all day today. It's times like these that I appreciate still living at home. The cold I have, I would not want to be seeing my three month old son having, so my mom has been taking care of him today. Matt took care of me last night, even though I had told him I wanted to be the one waking up if Braeden woke up in the middle of the night because lately he's been the one waking up. He gave me meds, the night time one, which I usually refuse but I'm glad he gave them to me or else I wouldn't have slept. But it's hard seeing Braeden and not being able to get to close because I know colds are extremely contagious. Oh, & I have work tomorrow at 7 in the morning. I just hope I feel a little better. I'm sure I will because Matt takes care of me so well, so I'm catching up on sleep too. I feel so lucky to have him in my life. Sometimes it amazes me how much our relationship has grown.. we started off two teenagers not knowing what we wanted from each other, & now he has turned into such an amazing boyfriend and dad. Sometimes I need to realize that not all men would be doing what he does. In fact, a majority of men don't do half of what he does for Braeden & I. Is he perfect? No. Am I perfect? Definitely not. Is our relationship perfect? No. But I'm happy with what we are. Sure, we both have our pasts. Not the greatest, but we've both overcome our insecurities, and trust issues. I just need to remind myself how lucky I am, and Braeden is to have him in our lives. & I know Braeden loves him, just by the way he smiles with his heart every time his Dad talks to him, or walks in the room. He loves his dadday!
I love, the love they have for each other. |
I love that summer days call for shirtless afternoons with my chubagub.
My brothers house has HORRIBLE lighting. :( |
My mom is doing a wonderful job, but Braeden knows it's not his momma. There is just something about the way a momma can put hee son to sleep. The way I cradle him, as he stares at him till he falls asleep to the lullaby of
you are my sunshine....
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