It has been a crazy week. But then again, don't I say that every week? Still getting the hang of balancing everything in life., & school hasn't even started yet. Braeden wasn't being himself this week, so it began to worry me. After taking Braeden to his pediatrician, she told us he's allergic to dust mites, as well as cigarette smoke. She also changed his formula to the Similac Expert care Alimentum. I don't mind that the formula is way more expensive, I don't mind that the house pretty much has to be spotless. It just worries me that now he has a higher chance at having asthma. Not to mention that she also told me that since I have asthma is increases his risk by 50% more. He also has acid reflux. Which explains why he doesn't like to be on his back, & why he wouldn't eat unless he was starving. She gave us antibiotics, but I'm a little bit hesitant giving my 2 and a half month old baby medications. It's difficult because he cries, & I don't know if it's because he wants to be held or if his acid reflux is burning him causing him too much pain. So, I will give him the antibiotics & if I see that it isn't helping him in the slightest then I am going to need to make another appointment . I'm not exactly thrilled though, with the fact that he's going to be on antibiotics. But I can't complain, because it isn't a life threatening illness & at least there IS a medication for what he has. & on top of everything my lil guy is already teething! So soon! My mom told me that I had my first tooth by 2 months, & Matt's mom told me that he had TEETH by 3 months. While I love that my son is progressing, I'm a little sad because I LOVE that toothless smile. I hope it takes a while for those suckers to pop out, because I honestly love love, love his baby smile reminiscent of an old man. It brings joy to my heart. I've realized a lot this week. I am fortunate to have a healthy baby even if there are a some bumps along the way, in the end I know that he will be okay. I am fortunate to have a healthy family in general. I can take the allergies I myself has, & I know my little trooper will be able to take his & anything that is thrown at him. While I was pregnant I thought the hardest part of being a Mom would be waking up at 4 A.M. but that's the easy part. The hard part is seeing your child in pain, & the sadness that hits you when you hear their high pitch scream. I'm just glad that we know what it is. Through it all, he has been smiling like no other. I'm so glad that my baby is a HAPPY baby, because there is nothing like knowing that your kid is happy on the inside.
Hahahahahha, he looks like a chuba gub in this picture! |
I was so excited for Memorial Day. Another day to celebrate! Wrong. Braeden wasn't feeling well. He slept the WHOLE day, something he usually never does. So this- is how we spent Memorial Day. But we showed him lots of love, more than usual-- so we was completely lovin' that!
That toothless smile... |
My 1/4 Japanese Boyv <3 |
We were debating which hat to wear, so we went with the cute green one. My favorite hat!
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