Friday, July 15, 2011

It's been a while..

I feel like I start every blog post with that sentence. It only makes sense, it HAS been a while. Realistically, I can't get to blogging as often as I'd like but as long as I get around to it once in a while, it's all good in the neighborhood. I've been contemplating on whether or not I wanted to keep this blog.. I mean, who really wants to know what goes on in my day to day life? I debated on whether I should just use it as a source to let my thoughts run wild, but then I remember the whole reason for creating a blog. So that Braeden can one day come to one random day, and see what life was like when he was a baby. Something I would love to know. I figure I will use this as a means to vent, as a memory keeper, or simply just to express how I feel. To have my mind run, with all of its creativity- or lack there of. I will post pictures I love of my son, hoping no creepo is using them anywhere else on the internet, because yes, I really am that paranoid. I'm not sure if I want to continue posting pictures of Braeden, I've also been thinking about that a lot. I've come across tumblrs, who have been complaining that people have been stealing their pictures, to use them as fake accounts, and to me, that is just plain weird.

Maybe this blog will be strictly words. I love photography, and I love challenging my mind to search for different angles, colors, settings, etc. to capture perfect moments. I love the idea of translating a normal picture, into an angle that I wouldn't have normally thought of.  When I go through the stats of my blog, I see that the pictures are on google search, or how randomly people end up on my blog.. and I always wonder, how do they find my blog, from that random ass site? It's flattering to see how many people view my blog & posts because I didn't think anyone would actually care what the hell went on in my life, and it's so cool to see that people from Russia, or the Philippines, or even Germany are reading my blog.

So I will continue to write. For the purpose of having somewhere to vent, or express my feelings. I will cool off on the pictures of my son, because I'm still not quite sure how I feel about having him all over the internet. In the mean time, I will write. It's nice working another part of my brain. I will try to update more often, just for my sake. But in the mean time, I'm still taking time to stop, & smell the roses.

& they smell pretty darn amazing. (: